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Sunday School

Sunday school is provided for all ages every Sunday morning 9-10AM from mid-September-May.

For information regarding Nursery care during the Sunday school hour, please see below.  Our Nursery supports care during the Sunday School hour for children ages 6 mos-2 years and during worship for children ages 6 months-5 years.

Transportation and childcare are available for all other events upon request.

Contact Sarah Pundt for more information.

Nursery- This ministry is currently suspended to protect our most-vulnerable during the pandemic.

Salem United Church of Christ and the Board of Christian Education wish to welcome you to the church and the nursery.  Salem UCC and the nursery attendants are committed to caring for your children’s physical well-being and nurturing their spiritual growth.


Sundays (Sept.-May): 8:45am-11:30am

Summer Hours (June-Aug.): Sundays 8:45am-10:15am


​Nursery care is available at other times for church programs & events. Please check with the church office (845-7315) for more information.

  • Salem UCC believes in welcoming the entire family to the sanctuary for worship and other programs. All ages are welcome for all or part of the worship service.

  • For your convenience, nursery care is available for children ages 6 months through 5 years old in the lower level near the Sunday school rooms.

  • Nursery care is available to families when parents/guardians are attending church worship and other church functions in the building.


Sunday School for all ages

Events Section Subtitle

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PreK- Grade 5

Calendar info below!

This age group gathers at 9AM in the lower level of the church for a time of group children’s worship followed by Sunday school. During the worship portion, the children learn the Bible story of the day, collect an offering and their stewardship reflection, sing in children’s
choir, and have a group prayer. At the end of this group worship, the children break into two separate classrooms: Prophets: preK-grade 2 and Apostles: grades 3-5. Each classroom has one teacher and one adult assistant.  We are pleased to offer the curriculum, "Shine: Living in God’s Light," which is co-published by Brethren Press and MennoMedia


Middle and High School

Calendar info below!

Our combined middle school and high school class meets at 9AM on the 2nd floor in the Youth Room. A team of teachers rotates and also uses the "Shine, Living in God's Light" curriculum. The lessons are based on a Biblical lesson that is then applied to a contemporary context. Some weeks the class simply has a question and answer session about all matters relating to the church, faith, the Bible, or contemporary issues facing
our youth today. No question is too big or too small or out of place.

We love questions.

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Adult Sunday School


During the program year, the Adult class meets Sunday morning 9-10am in the first floor conference room. The class follows thematic studies that run for 3-6 weeks. A Biblical foundation is the backdrop for discussing contemporary issues and themes. The guided conversations allow us to inform our responses to modern topics from a Christian perspective and encourage us to ask questions and fully discuss how we are to respond to these contemporary issues.


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(608) 845-7315


502 Mark Dr, Verona, WI 53593, USA

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