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(not everyone likes to sing ;-)

Piano and  Organ

Salem's music director Dawn Lingard is, um, "Key" to our enjoyment of this musial ministry.  From the Prelude to the Postlude of our services, we enjoy Hymns, Special music, Offertory, and accompaniment of the various choirs as appropriate.  


We also have special music from other members, both youth and adult, and enjoy their sharing of their talents.

Adult Handbell Choir

Salem has offered a Bell choir for adult and confirmed youth since 2000.  The Handbell Choir helps lead worship on the third Sunday of each month under the direction of Carrie Coenen.  Ringing 2 to 4 Octaves, using a variety of Handbell techniques, it's always a joy to hear these talented individuals sharing their gifts.  If you are interested in playing Handbell, we welcome all music levels!

Special Music

We are blessed and fortunate to enjoy the talents of other musicians throughout the year.  From our traditional trumpeter to help us celebrate Easter morning to a guitar and voice group, we love to hear other sounds of praise.  We have enjoyed everything from flute, clarinet and cello to a youth praise band, even an accordion!  Come listen or share your talents!


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(608) 845-7315


502 Mark Dr, Verona, WI 53593, USA

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