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Welcome to Salem

Whether you are new to Salem UCC or new to church, welcome!

Salem UCC is a small church with a rich history. 


You can show up just as you are and discover that God loves YOU!


We are many things: musical, Open and Affirming, part of the United Church of Christ, originally a church of Swiss immigrants, a part of Verona, an ecumenical partner with others, a supporter of local missions, and a place of deep spirituality and service.


Here are some things to help you get to know us.


During the school year, we worship at 10:15 am.


We celebrate Holy Communion on the second Sunday of the month (with a few exceptions).

Holy Communion

We celebrate Holy Communion the second Sunday of the month, except for October, with World Communion Sunday on the first Sunday.


We have an open table, so that all who wish to receive are welcome to do so.

Sunday school

Sunday School is available for all ages at 9 am.  On the Third Sunday of the month, we have an all-church potluck breakfast at the 9 am hour.

Third Sunday

On the Third Sunday of the month, we have an all-church potluck breakfast at the 9 am hour.


If you don't have a dish to pass, join us anyway.  There will always be enough.



Congregational singing, organ, piano, handbells, chancel choir and BRC Men's Chorus all offer a joyful noise to the Lord in worship.


Music ranges from classical to contemporary, familiar hymns to new pieces penned by church members, barbershop to southern gospel.


If you want to sing, ring, or play, let us know!


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Badger Prairie Needs Network

Salem UCC joins other churches and organizations in supporting the Badger Prairie Needs Network.  Together we work to end hunger and poverty.


The BPNN Food Pantry began at Salem UCC in the 1980s and has grown to serve all of Dane County.


Bikes for Kids WI

Salem UCC has supported Bikes for Kids WI (formerly Free Bikes 4 Kids) for many years now.


Bikes for Kids has a mission of making bikes accessible for everyone.


Open and Affirming

Salem United Church of Christ became an Open and Affirming (ONA) Church on Sunday, January 29, 2017, following a process of discussion, study, and discernment. 


Bodies in the United Church of Christ have been making such statements for more than thirty years. They have addressed, among other issues: support for LGBTQ+ civil rights, elimination of institutionalized homophobia within the UCC, HIV/AIDS education and care as it affects LGBT persons, and affirmation of the gifts and ministries of LGBTQ+ clergy and church members.


Being an Open and Affirming congregation is an ongoing process of learning and affirming, studying and stepping up, blessing and welcoming people into belonging.


Links to 


Our Open and Affirming Covenant


The ONA Coalition

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The United Church of Christ

To believe is to care, to care is to do.

Salem began as a Reformed Church of immigrants in the Swiss tradition of Zwingli.  We became part of the Evangelical and Reformed Church in 1941, and later part of the United Church of Christ in 1961.


The United Church of Christ brings together congregations from many traditions, joining in the work of loving God and loving our neighbor, working for justice and peace, and building a world where compassion and inclusion are real.



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(608) 845-7315


502 Mark Dr, Verona, WI 53593, USA

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